Friday, February 26, 2010

The brilliance of Animal Collective

I don't know what took me so long, but this week I have finally realized the brilliance of Animal Collective.  The quartet out of Baltimore, Maryland are loved by bloggers across the board, but my affection has been a gradual one...until now.  Listening to their newest LP, Merriweather Post Pavilion, and their latest EP, Fall Be Kind, over the past week has brought this realization to life.  The band has mastered the art of layering sound and creating strange pop masterpieces.  Think Radiohead's experimental nature mixed with the Beach Boys' sense of harmony and transition.  Animal Collective layers organic sounds and vocal harmonies with many loops and a few electronic sounds thrown in there (more synthesizer than beeps and blips like Radiohead).  Hate or love Animal Collective, you have to agree that they continue to be inventive with each song/album that they release.  Enjoy the samples below.


  1. I choose to LOVE them. Especially the song "Bluish" - download it. It's the bomb.

  2. I listened to them a while back and didn't like them, but based on this, I'm gonna take another look. I like 'Summertime Clothes' and - now - 'Bluish'.
