I must admit, upon the first several listens to Lucero's material throughout the years, I was not much of a fan. Over the past year, however, I have become more and more appreciative of the boys from Memphis, and lead singer Ben Nichol's raspy drawl. Equal parts punk and folk in earlier work, Lucero's new release 1372 Overton Park draws upon Memphis' rich history of soul music. Much like Jason Isbell's release from earlier this year drew upon his roots in the Muscle Shoal's sound, the instrumentation is straight out of the Stax playbook, creating a unique sound and welcome departure for the band. The standout track on the 6 song album is Goodbye Again, linked below for your pleasure - enjoy!
Lucero - Goodbye Again
I am not really a huge Lucero fan, however being a fellow Memphian I thought I would chime in with a random fact, Overton Park is actually a street in Memphis. I'm not really sure what lies at 1372, but if it's in the area I have in mind it is awfully close to a Jehovah's Witnesses center...