1. Elvis Perkins in Dearland - Elvis Perkins in Dearland

The YAGN consensus pick for Album of the Year, Elvis Perkins in Dearland is a triumph for Mr. Perkins and company. At a time when many say that the album is dead, Perkins delivered a cohesive and diverse album that was my Summer soundtrack (and continues to get me through the Winter). Perkins unique vocal style is complimented by a unique collection of instrumentation that includes marching band drums and horns-a-plenty. Where Perkins' debut, Ash Wednesday, had an ominous feel hanging over the album, his sophomore effort carries a more upbeat and optimistic tone, even while dealing with not so pleasant subject matter (see Doomsday, 123 Goodbye). A truly poignant album, Elvis Perkins in Dearland was the best in a year of quality albums.
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